Hypoallergenic dog food recipe made with natural ingredients and no added colours or flavoursHealthy Digestion – Wet dog food made with fibres from natural sources for dogs' healthy digestionNATURAL INGREDIENTS Dog food made with select ingredients to proactively support your pet’s healthImmune System - Wet dog food made with Vitamin E to help support your pet's immune systemHealthy Skin & Coat – Dog food with Omega 6 fatty acids and zinc to promote healthy skin & coat.
Turkey* 72% in the chunk** (necks, heart, deboned ground turkey, liver), mix of white and brown rice (5.5%), dried carrots (1%, equivalent to carrots 7.3%), dried peas (1%, equivalent to peas 3.6%), oils and fats (including linseed oil 0.25%), dextrose, minerals, dried beet pulp, seaweed (0.11%), cellulose, tomato powder. *100% natural. **Chunk typically 37.5% of the product.